
"Having a place to ride and learn about these wonderful creatures is an asset to any community, not just low-income areas. Children need a place where they can feel safe and have fun without worrying about their surrounding environment."

"Programs like this make a difference in people's lives. Thank you Kathy Kusner and all of your supporters for making this program happen."

"When our clients family members cheer with delight as they watch their children showcase their skills. Horses in the Hood not only empowers our clients, but Horses in the Hood also brings our clients and families together and I believe there is no better outcome."
Letters From Participants
Latonya Diason
Dear Horses in the Hood,
Hello my name is Latonya Diason, and I am a counselor with LA's BEST program at Weigand Elementary. I had the pleasure in attending horse camp along with 16 of my most deserving students. When I was first told of the opportunity you were offering the students at Weigand Elementary, I was in disbelief. I could not believe a program such as Horses in the Hood existed in the Watts community. When I was told of all...
moreAngelica Sandoval
Dear Horses in the Hood,
Hey, thank you guys for having us on the farm. I had so much fun with you and the horses too. From WLCAC we thank you guys so much and we miss you all and the horses. Thank you guys for everything.
- Your friend,
- Angelica Sandoval
14 years old.
moreAlretta Harris
Dear Horses in the Hood,,
This letter is being written with sincere gratitude and a hopeful heart. Let me begin by saying that the one-week spent at Middle Ranch in December/January, touched the lives of twelve youth. It's amazing how you can take"very high-risk" kids with very serious academic and behavior problems, put them in an unknown environment, and then see a transformation. I'm talking about kids who constantly fight with each...
moreBrittany Brooks
Dear Horses in the Hood,
I thank you for helping me learn how to ride the horses. I really had a good time. The trip up there was long, but I made it and I'm glad I did. I want to come back someday. You guys made learning to ride easy.
- Love,
- Brittany Brooks
12 years old.
moreEdward Mitchell
Dear Horses in the Hood,
Hi, it's me Edward, your best rider up there at the Ranch. I wanted to say thanks for the rides and the fun there. The best horse was Mark and Victoria was the best teacher. I had a great time there and it was fun getting away. It's hard to say goodbye to yesterday. I don't know how or what to say next, so I just want to say thanks and goodbye.
- Your friend,
- Edward...
Esther Elizarraras
Dear Horses in the Hood,
Thank you for being nice to us and thank you for teaching us all about horses. Thank you for teaching us riding and lunging with the horses. I really liked being with you. It was so fun. I wish to be with you again.
- Love,
- Esther Elizarraras
12 years old.
Dear Horses in the Hood,
Well, I want to say that it was so much fun in Horses in the Hood. It was fun learning a lot of things about horses. It was fun doing lunging and riding. Thank you for helping us learn everything. My family liked all of the horses too. Well, it's time to say goodbye.
- Love always,
- Jeannette
12 years old.
moreJoeanna Sandoval
Dear Horses in the Hood,
Well, I had a good day in the place and with Horses in the Hood. My favorite horses were Blackmail, Lyka, and Mark. We learned a lot of things about horses and I liked riding them. My favorite teacher was Heidi. Thank you all.
Joeanna Sandoval,
13 years old.
moreSonetta Bishop
Dear Horses in the Hood,
I thank you for the lovely time I had and I hope I can visit you guys again. Even though it's over, I miss Baxter, Jane, Victoria, Heidi and Stacey. You are great teachers and I hope to see you all again. The thing I enjoyed most was trotting and cantering. I didn't dislike anything because everything was great. I will always remember you.
- Love,
- Sonetta...
Christopher L. Smart
Dear Horses in the Hood,
Dear Kathy, On behalf of A Place Called Home and the members who attended Horses in the Hood 2004, we would like to thank you for providing a life changing experience for ten of our youth.
APCH provides at-risk youth with a secure, positive family environment where they can regain hope and belief, earn trust and self-respect, and learn skills to lead a productive lifestyle free of the gangs, drugs and...
moreAbby du Fretay
Dear Horses in the Hood,
Hello Kathy,
Shields for Families, services children and families within the Watts area. Our families for the majority are single women and their children who faced great economic hardships to say the very least. Our clients live within a community which is plagued with violence and great uncertainty. It is not uncommon that our clients are unable to play outdoors, due to the dangers that prevail within...
moreLeRoi Bishop
Dear Horses in the Hood,
I love what we did, riding the horse and brushing them. I love Baxter, Barney, and Magic. I loved the pizza party too.
- Thank you,
- LeRoi Bishop,
7 years old.
moreYorel Bishop
Dear Horses in the Hood,
I had lots of fun. All of you are cool and nice. Your horses are nice. I learned a lot of things.
Yorel Bishop,
10 years old.